Showing all posts tagged muerte:

Death Dignified by Christ | David Mills | First Things

Death Dignified by Christ He was a dignified man suffering all the embarrassing ways cheerful young women the age of his granddaughter deal with the body’s failure as cancer begins shutting down the organs. Dying in a hospice, you lose all rights to modesty as you lose control of your body. Few men could have found the indignities of those last few weeks more excruciating than did my father. B...

Real Death, Real Dignity by David Mills | Articles | First Things

Real Death, Real Dignity by David Mills He was a dignified man suffering all the embarrassing ways a hospice deals with the body’s failure as cancer begins shutting down the organs. Dying in a hospice, you lose all rights to modesty as you lose control of your body. Few men could have found the indignities of those last few weeks of life more excruciating than did my father. The man ...

Ley 2/2010, de 8 de abril, de Derechos y Garantías de la Dignidad de la Persona en el Proceso de la Muerte.

Fuente de la captura: Ley 2/2010, de 8 de abril, de Derechos y Garantías de la Dignidad de la Persona en el Proceso de la Muerte. Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía - Histórico del BOJA Boletín número 88 de 07/05/2010 1. Disposiciones generalesPresidencia Ley 2/2010, de 8 de abril, de Derechos y Garantías de la Dignidad de la Persona en el Proceso de la Muerte.Atención: La información co...

Archie, il "diritto" di morire diventa eutanasia imposta - Tempi

Fuente de la captura: Archie, il " Il caso Archie e il "diritto" di morire che diventa eutanasia imposta dallo StatoNel Regno Unito l'Alta Corte ha autorizzato il personale medico-sanitario del Royal London Hospital a distaccare il ventilatore del dodicenne Archie Battersbee, contro il volere dei genitori e «nel suo interesse»Tratto dal Centro Studi Livatino – Il 15 luglio 2022 l’High Court...